Creative cold turkey!!!

Going on a family holiday is fab. There is nothing like a break from your daily rut to get the creative juices flowing. So we’ve been back nearly a week and I am suffering from ‘creative cold turkey’. If you really want to know, me and the family went to Norway, which is an absolutely stunning country. Being a photographer and film maker, Norway has inspired me no end. As I am writing this I can feel the anxiety flowing away from me, it is has become a ‘fix’ for me. I need my ‘creative fix’.

My wife Claire shot the above photograph on my iPhone XR, using the fantastic Moment app coupled with their anamorphic lens. You can see the outer edges of the photograph are a little stretched and bendy, but I really like this effect. However the centre is fine. I did shoot a shed load of images and I’m so excited to share them as they will be used as ammunition for my upcoming blogs. Hope you like the images that I post as they are all shot and edited by yours truly.

Just a little footnote: my site is called ‘selfie esteem media’ the reason being is that I want to tackle the issues that social media can have on a person’s self esteem and self confidence. I didn’t realise that I would have to deal with my own self esteem issues before I can progress and do justice to the vision that I want to share with the world…

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